SCHOOT collaboration

Join our Growing School Community and Collaborate within your School and Beyond

Collaboration opportunities
on the platform

Set up multiple collaboration groups locally

Our platform allows all Schoot members to create their own networks both in school and locally and join other groups with shared interests and roles & responsibilities. For example, English subject leaders’ group, maths subject leaders’ group, science subject leaders’ group etc.

There is also a facility to promote colleagues and leaders as administrators for the school’s Schoot account.

Join and network with users nationwide

Users will have the facility to make links with and join other evolving nationwide networks and groups of schools, both nationally and internationally.

Group discussions to share ideas and best practice

Users can share thoughts & ideas, videos and documents relating to examples of ‘what has worked well’ and best practice in education settings.

Sharing documents & resources

Users can upload a range of documents, adapted course materials, important educational tweets, educational research, successful lesson plans and strategic plans to invite questions, contribution, comment and adaptation. 

Accessible, flexible and supporting well-being

Users can access group discussions on computers, tablets and mobile phones. Collaboration through Schoot will allow staff to share materials and resources, saving valuable time and supporting well-being through a collegiate approach.

Secure and protected

Schoot users can feel confident that their data, documents, messages and communication on the Schoot platform are secure. A two factor authentication as well as other security measures are required for a user to login to the platform. In addition, there is a robust ‘conditions of appropriate use’ policy in place, which all members must adhere to.

Share best practice, ideas, documents and develop highly effective strategies for learning, teaching and leadership.

Connecting colleagues to secure continuous improvement.

Our collaborative feature within Schoot allows our users to access group discussions in order to share best practice, content, resources & documents and the latest news in education. Leaders can establish an unlimited number of groups to share ideas, good practice and strategy for their teams including school leaders, teaching staff, teaching assistants and governors.

Schoot collaboration platform 

schoot collaboration

An annual subscription offers unlimited access to all training and the schoot collaboration facility.

When your school subscribes, all leaders and members of staff and governors/ trustees can register and access all of our training at any time and as often as they wish or is required. The training can also be used for staff meeting and INSET days.